Back on Track :) SAWADEEEKAAAA
Finally back in MuayThaiParadise.
Anna and I arrived Bangkok two days ago, checked in at Pinacle Lumpinee Hotel.
First day we just tried to keep us self awake by taking a walk and have a massage. Didnt go to well, we slept all day and woke up at 3am. Wanting the time to be wakeuptime.
While Anna did her best to get well with thaiantibiotics I went over to
Petchyindee MuayThai and had two Privates with AjarnPetch. Alot of fun,
cant wait to get in shape and feel strong again. He really killed me...
Today we started of shearing a private with AjarnPetch, My body hurts from the training yesterday, but I managed to get through the training, and decided to take the afternoon off, working on our tan(Not really talented at tanning). Now of to MBK and some Shopping(not really our favourite thing either)

I will try to update the blog more often now ;)
6weeks of fun in front of us :)