2 weeks to fight! getting in the mode, focus is on!
been a hard/good week of training, running every day, powerwalking everyday, Muay thai every day. Looove it! just the way i like it. My weight is soonish there, im just where i need to be, so in two weeks its perfect. It was easier gaining weight for the "Norges beste fighter-fights, then loosing it, haha.
Recoveryday today, feels good! getting ready for a new hard week of fun training.
Thanks to Thomas and Robbin for my progress the last weeks :) Sfg-represent
And bow, im so bad at taking pictures of whats up, maybe i should be better at that in the future?! So im giving u good memories pictures instead. LingNoi miss LingSuay 100%

Oooooh miss you so much! Du kommer til å kicke ass på lördag :D i tell ya ;)