Soonish its fightime.
No exact dates yet, but around next week it is. Went out to see some fight yesterday and by cornering Nim again I really got the fightfeeling. This time she fought a 10kg heavier BOY and lost by points. To bad she didnt got to show how good she really is. She sure is an Idol for me in the ring. Sooo skilled, so much experience, so strong, so technical and so much rutines!
yeah, anyways the fightfeeling does alot with the motivation. I usually have no problem motivating myself to train muay thai, but I definately push myself to RUN. I think of running as the downside to muaythai. I do it, but not because i Love it, I do it because it makes me better in what I love. So getting that fightfeeling and something to think about during the run makes it easier to do 8km in the morning and 4 in the afternoon.

arrghhhhh, why the ******* is the Thaifood so delicious?
After this morningrun we did 1 hour of clinching, I love clinch, learned some new stuff today that i am totally sure to use in my upcoming fight <3
Just looked at my last fight as well. Again I only see what I can and should do better.