this is whats up! wish me luck.
im sure its going to be alot of fun training with a bunch of good girls for 3 weeks :)
bye bye 13 coins! see you soon again :)
Eat Train Sleep, Repeat! and everything between... life, people, muay thai, food and travel
Why start a blog?
I dont know!
But hey, why not?!
This blog will be about people i meet, muay thai, training, travel, food, and whatever that will pop up in my mind!
Farmor, nå kan du lese om hva jeg driver med :)
Haha, actually its pretty funny, I cant really recognize my self as a blogwriter.
I fell in love with muay thai one year ago, and from the first day training I knew that this was what I was ment to do! One year and four fights, four wins later, i still love it, and all i want to do is to LIVE it. I started training in Koh Samui with trainer Chai, and when I moved to Gävle, Sweden I started train at Söders Fight Gym. http://www.sodersfightgym.se/
Right now im located in Bangkok, at 13 coins muay thai gym. http://www.drsaenchaimuaythai.com/Dr._Saenchai_Muay_Thai_Gym/Homepage.html
Its the best place to be :) really good training, really good food, nice rooms(not all of them, ill make a post about me sleeping in a rat room later) and the best, everybody is so nice here.
Ive been in thailand for 6 weeks now, mostly located with my Auntie Naa sao Wenche on Koh Samui, training at Kiatkorwit gym, Maenam with trainer Chai. This trip i had two fights. Ive also had some small trips around to krabi, ao nang, railey, phuket, bangkok and two f.... visaruns to Malaysia and Cambodia.
Hmm, yeah, thats it, my first blogpost!
Chook dee